Mulranny Community Climate Action Officer

Job Title: Mulranny Community Climate Action Officer


The Mulranny Community Climate Action Officer will help Mulranny Towards 2030 and the community in the Mulranny Decarbonisation Zone (DZ) participate in the Climate Connected project This project aims to create tools to support sustainable initiatives and raise environmental awareness. The role involves promoting climate action, reducing carbon footprint, and evaluating community efforts.

For full details please see our RECRUITMENT page.

Architecture on the Edge Festival – RE-MAPPING

In collaboration with the Mulranny DZ Group and Mulranny Community Futures, the following community events will be held as part of the Architecture at the Edge Festival “RE-MAPPING” :

– 5th and 6th Class
13th September, Mulranny National School

16th September, Mulranny Arts, 1:00 to 6:00

17th September, Meet at Old Railway Station House @ 1:00

20th September, Mulranny Park Hotel, 2:30 to 7:30

29th September – 8th of October, Galway Printworks

30th September, Mick Lally (Druid) Theatre Galway, 2:00 to 3:30

Come along to support, contribute knowledge, learn about and discuss what is happening and could happen for Mulranny!

Organiser (PhD “re-thinking the construction of the coast” at UL)

A New Community Action Plan 2022 – 2027

The Community of Mulranny are delighted to announce that we have finalised the process of publishing our third Community Action Plan, by identifying projects and actions that the community wishes to focus on over the next five years (2022 – 2027).

Mulranny has been participating in the ‘Mayo Community Futures’ programme since 2010.  The preparation of the renewed plan was carried out by the Mulranny Community Futures Group, with guidance and support from Mayo Community Futures and was officially launched by Deputy Michael Ring on Firday, 2nd December 2022 .

This valuable document is a result of an extensive community profile and engagement process which included door-to-door interactions, youth & business surveys as well as a democratic public vote.

We invite you to view the Action Plan below and we hope you will be inspired to get involved

Click here to view the  Mulranny Community Futures Plan 2022 – 2027

Mulranny Community Futures Plan 2016 to 2021 Progress Review 2021

Mulranny Community Futures wishes you a
Very Happy Christmas
and Healthy New Year!

Environment & Outdoor Activities

  1. Extend the pier and develop a marina
  2. Upgrade the causeway and develop outdoor activities
  3. Extend the golf links or develop a pitch & putt
  4. Expand facilities on the Blue Flag beach
  5. Preserve and maintain coastal environment

Progress in 2021:

  • Mulranny designated Mayo’s Decarbonising Zone
  • Pier development proposal submitted to Mayo County Development Plan
  • Mulranny’s Old Irish Goats on Howth capture global news,makesheadlines and approval from the World Economic Forum.

Tourism& Promotion

  1. Encourage the hotel to remain open year round
  2. Tourism and businesses co-operation
  3. Community notice board

Progress in 2021:

  • Tourist office open for 2021 season
  • The Old Irish Goat Visitor Centre and Gift of Hands Craft Shopofficially opened in August andpromoted as a ‘HERO’ Experience on the Wild Atlantic Way
  • Mulranny Way, hiking trail promoted in the Clew Bay Visitor Experience Development Strategy

Community Facilities & Services

  1. Community playground
  2. Creation of a sports pitch and outdoor gym
  3. Expand the use of existing facilities
  4. Improve the bus service to Westport and Castlebar
  5. Youth Centre and involvement in community

Progress in 2021:

  • Mulranny Community Playgroundopened!
  • Mulranny National School participated in EU Erasmus project with schools from Northern Ireland, the UK and the EU.
  • Funding secured for 100m2 Gift of Hands Craft Centre for social and creative endeavour

Village & Traffic

  1. Extend greenways and traffic calming
  2. Continue the Tidy Towns and Green Plan campaign
  3. Revive the Heritage Group

Progress in 2020:

  • Community electric bike scheme funded
  • Smarter travel proposal submitted to Mayo County Council
  • SEAI Energy Workshop in Novwith opportunities to upgrade homes.
  • Tidy Towns:Mulranny achieves 2nd place in Mayo and a nationalbronze medal.
  • The Old Irish Goat Society shortlisted for Cathaoirleach Award for local heritage 2022

Local Economy

  1. Better broadband
  2. Housing
  3. New Community Employment Scheme
  4. New services, enterprise and a business network

Progress in 2021:

  • Planning permission secured for 16 new family homes in 2021 and undeveloped site secured for community Alzheimer’s unit
  • Saint Brendan’s SOLAS Scheme expanded to provide a variety of new places, with local community groups.

Behind the scenes: grant funding, fire, disabled access and planning applications, tenders, contracts, fundraising, several bank loans and many meetings, minutes, reports and submissions help to make it all happen





  • Mayo County Council are planning to build approximately 16 Social Housing units in Mulranny in the near future.
  • These units will be both 2 and 3 bedroom units depending on the needs of the families on the Social Housing List.
  • Mulranny Community Futures are endeavoring to ensure that as many as possible 3 bedroom units are built to secure the viability of our community and, in particular, our School.
  • Occupiers of the 3 Bed units in this new scheme may have the opportunity to purchase the house under the Council’s ‘Incremental Purchase Scheme’ if they meet the eligibility criteria. Click here for information on the Incremental Purchase Scheme
  • All the houses will be built to a very high specification and will be very energy efficient.

If you and your family are eligible (or if you know of a family who may be eligible) to be on the Social Housing List we would encourage you to grasp this opportunity and apply to Mayo County Council as soon as possible.

Click here to Download the Application Form

If you need support or help with completing this Application Form contact a member of the Futures Steering Group or email
If you are not on the Social Housing list you will not be considered to receive a house in this new development in Mulranny.


  • Social housing is allocated according to eligibility and need.
  • You must be already living in the Mulranny or surrounding areas/villages or have a connection to this area to avail of social housing developments in Mulranny. However, Mayo County Council will consider, at its discretion, other circumstances.
  • Click here for information on rules and income tresholds

Mulranny Geosurvey 2021

A participative democracy initiative of Mulranny Community Futures

Mulranny Community Futures invites you to take an aerial view, to ponder and consider…

Geodesign is a new way of looking at our world and sharing ideas.
Step 1 is an online “Geosurvey” open to everyone.  Suggestions are anonymous and will be included in a master plan.

This Geodesign is focussed on 3 adjoining areas in Mulranny;

  • Saint Brendan’s Village,
  • Mulranny Amenity Centre and
  • adjoining Mayo County Council lands (formerly Freiss’s).

Follow the link to

Record your suggestions under 10 themes;

  1. Public Spaces
  2. Green Infrastructure
  3. Transport Infrastructure
  4. Residential
  5. Water Infrastructure
  6. Agriculture/Food
  7. Enterprise/Social Enterprise
  8. Institutional/Organisational
  9. Biodiversity
  10. Green Energy / Climate Action

If you would like to see a demonstration of how to upload your ideas to the Geodesign Map a  Zoom Meeting will take place on Tuesday, 30th March at 7pm.  Please email to let us know that you would like to join and we will forward the Zoom login details to you on Tuesday.

Mulranny Geosurvey 2021 Context:

  • Mulranny Community Futures is looking to the community for ideas to create social, economic, environmental, or organisational benefits, e.g., a bus stop, community allotments or a duck pond.
  • We are seeking to learn from the community and trial the Geodesign process to empower communities as architects of positive change.
  • We want to support:
    • Saint Brendan’s Village community care endeavours
    • Mulranny Amenity Centre provision of amenity facilities &
    • Mayo County Council efforts to meet community housing needs.
  • We aim to advance the Mulranny Community Futures Plan 2016 to 2021 and the supply of housing in Mulranny




New Officers Elected

At the Mulranny Community Futures AGM held last night in the Amenity Centre the following officers were elected;
Chairperson – Sean Carolan
Vice Chairperson – Mary Callaghan
Secretary – Nuala Ginnelly
Assistant Secretary/PRO – Carol Loftus
Treasurer – Michelle Loftus
Assistant Treasurer – Helen Walker
Liaison Officer – Michael Hughes
A review of the Mulranny Community Futures Plan will take place in the Amenity Centre on Wednesday the 19th of February at 7.30pm and all are very welcome to attend.

A New Community Futures Action Plan 2016 – 2020

Mulranny Community Futures Action Plan 2016 – 2020 Click Here

A New Steering Committee
Mulranny Community Futures

Following the completion of the second Five Year Community Futures Plan for Mulranny, a new Steering Committee was established at a recent meeting.  Representatives from all of the community groups were invited to attend this meeting and to become members of the new steering committee and new officers were elected.

The role of the new Committee will be to drive this new Action Plan for Mulranny by assisting and supporting all of the community groups.  This plan is a result of an extensive community profile and engagement process which included a Youth and Business Survey.  All information gathered was taken into account when setting out the new priorities for the Plan.

At the meeting outgoing chairman Michael Hughes outlined the many projects that came to fruition in the past 6 years and congratulated all of the community groups and the steering committee for their role in these achievements.  He thanked Mayo County Council for the help and guidance they provided to produce the new Action Plan and he also thanked them, along with our TDs and local Councillors, for their great support over the past 6 years and for their continued commitment to Mulranny into the future.  Stating that many of the priorities set out at the start of the Futures Process have been realised, he noted, that there were other priorities that proved more difficult to achieve, one example being a Community Playground.  Mr. Hughes wished the new committee luck and handed the chair over to the newly elected Chairman Mr. Pat Moran.

Other committee officers were elected as follows:- Sean Carolan, Vice Chairman, Nuala Ginnelly, Secretary; Carol Loftus, Asst. Secretary; Thomas Hanley, PRO; Saskia Eland, Treasurer and Michael Hughes, Liaison Officer.

Pat Moran thanked Michael Hughes for his dedication and hard work over the last 6 years and acknowledged the great work all of the community groups carry out.  He stated that the Steering Committee will work positively together to ensure that all Community Groups are fully supported and facilitated in their endeavours to carry out the Community Futures Action Plan and they will continue to be a communications and guiding group within the community.

Click link above to see the New Community Futures Action Plan 2016 – 2020

New Steering Group Members:

Pat Moran – Mulranny Men’s Shed
Tom Geoghegan, Mulranny Men’s Shed
Sean Carolan, Mulranny Tidy Towns
Saskia Eland, Environmental Group
Maeve Foran, Old Irish Goat Society
Nuala Ginnelly, Mulranny Tourism Group
Catherine Hanley, Mulranny Tourism Group
Carol Loftus, Green Plan Group
Margaret Moran, Green Plan Group
Thomas Hanley, Mulranny Tiernaur Community Sports Ground Company
Michael Hughes, Mulranny School Board of Management
Stephen Hall, Mulranny School Board of Management, Mulranny Playground Group
Ciara McDermott, Mulranny Playground Group
Helen Walker, Gift of Hands
Ann Moran, Gift of Hands
Teresa Hanley, ICA
Kathleen Carolan, ICA
Mary B. O’Boyle, Graveyard Committee